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Supply Chain Glossary

FAS (Free Alongside Ship)

What Does FAS Mean in Shipping?

FAS, or Free Alongside Ship, is an international shipping term that specifies the seller's responsibilities and costs up to the point where goods are placed alongside the buyer's chosen vessel at a designated port. The seller is responsible for all costs and risks involved in transporting the goods to the port and placing them next to the ship. This includes export customs clearance and any charges incurred until the goods are ready for loading. Once the goods are alongside the ship, the responsibility and risks shifts to the buyer, who then handles loading, shipping, insurance, and import duties.

Benefits of Free Alongisde Ship (FAS) Terms

  1. Cost Control: FAS terms allow buyers to control and negotiate shipping and insurance costs directly, potentially securing better rates than those offered by the seller.
  2. Clear Responsibility Demarcation: FAS clearly delineates the point at which responsibility and risk transfer from the seller to the buyer. This clarity can help avoid disputes and misunderstandings regarding logistics and costs.
  3. Flexibility in Shipping Arrangements: Buyers have the flexibility to choose their preferred shipping lines, schedules, and routes, tailoring the logistics to their specific needs and preferences.
  4. Customs Control: By taking control of the goods at the port, buyers can ensure compliance with import regulations and manage customs procedures more effectively, reducing the risk of delays or additional costs.
  5. Streamlined Export Process: For sellers, FAS terms can simplify the export process by limiting their responsibility to domestic transport and export customs clearance, allowing them to focus on their core business operations.

Overall, FAS terms are particularly advantageous for buyers who prefer to manage their shipping and logistics arrangements and sellers who wish to limit their obligations to domestic export activities. Understanding FAS is essential for supply chain and logistics professionals to navigate international trade effectively.


FAS (Free Alongside Ship) and FOB (Free On Board) are both Incoterms that outline the responsibilities of buyers and sellers in international trade, but they differ in terms of when the risk and cost shift from the seller to the buyer.

  1. Point of Responsibility Transfer:
    • FAS: The seller's responsibility ends when the goods are placed alongside the buyer's vessel at the designated port. The buyer then assumes all risks and costs from that point, including loading the goods onto the ship.
    • FOB: The seller's responsibility extends further than FAS. It includes loading the goods onto the vessel. Once the goods are on board, the buyer assumes the risk and costs associated with the shipment.
  2. Cost Involvement:
    • FAS: The seller covers the cost of delivering the goods to the port and placing them alongside the ship. The buyer covers the loading costs, shipping, insurance, and any additional expenses.
    • FOB: The seller covers all costs up to and including loading the goods onto the vessel. The buyer covers the shipping, insurance, and any additional costs once the goods are on board.
  3. Risk Management:
    • FAS: The buyer assumes the risk once the goods are alongside the ship, meaning any damage or loss occurring during loading or subsequent shipping is the buyer's responsibility.
    • FOB: The risk transfers to the buyer only after the goods are loaded onto the ship, providing the buyer with greater assurance regarding the safe handling of the goods until they are securely on board.
  4. Logistics and Control:
    • FAS: Offers the buyer more control over the shipping process, as they can choose the shipping line and handle the loading operations.
    • FOB: Simplifies the process for the buyer by having the seller manage the loading of the goods, which can be beneficial if the buyer lacks local logistics expertise or resources.

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