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Supply Chain Glossary

Off dock storage

What is off dock storage?

Off dock storage refers to the practice of storing cargo containers or goods at a location separate from the port terminal or container yard where they were initially unloaded from a vessel. This storage facility, often located nearby but off-terminal, provides additional space for holding containers temporarily before they are moved to their final destination.

Purpose of off dock storage

Off dock storage serves several purposes in the supply chain and logistics industry. It helps alleviate port congestion by providing overflow storage capacity for containers during peak periods of activity. Additionally, it allows for more efficient utilization of terminal space by freeing up areas for handling incoming shipments. Moreover, off dock storage facilities may offer added services such as container maintenance, repair, and customization, enhancing the overall efficiency of cargo handling operations.

Benefits and considerations

One of the key benefits of off dock storage is its ability to provide flexibility and scalability to accommodate fluctuations in cargo volumes and terminal capacity constraints. However, logistics professionals must consider factors such as security, accessibility, and transportation costs when choosing to utilize off dock storage facilities for their cargo handling needs. 

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